Closedform formulas for Kirchhoff index基尔霍夫指数,发表在2001International Journal of Quantum Chemistry;

Broder and Karlin's formula for hitting times and the Kirchhoff Index, 2010International Journal of Quantum Chemistry;

Another look at the degreeKirchhoff index, 2010International Journal of Quantum Chemistry;

Bounds for the Kirchhoff index of regular graphs via the spectra of their random walks, 2009International Journal of Quantum Chemistry;

Kirchhoff index of linear pentagonal chains, 2009International Journal of Quantum Chemistry;

Kirchhoff index of linear hexagonal chains, 2007International Journal of Quantum Chemistry;

A formula for the Kirchhoff index, 2008International Journal of Quantum Chemistry;

Resistance distance and Kirchhoff index in circulant graphs, 2006International Journal of Quantum Chemistry;

Resistancedistance matrix: A computational algorithm and its application, 2001International Journal of Quantum Chemistry;


刚又见Extremal Wiener and Kirchhoff indices of globular caterpillars,2019年发表在International Journal of Quantum Chemistry(引用Mohammad Reza Oboudi的这篇论文:A relation between the signless Laplacian spectral radius of complete multipartite graphs and majorization. Linear Algebra Appl. 565 (2019), 225--238. MR3892719 );

On the normalized Laplacian of Möbius phenylene chain and its applications,2019International Journal of Quantum Chemistry;

On normalized Laplacians, multiplicative degreeKirchhoff indices, and spanning trees of the linear [n]phenylenes and their dicyclobutadieno derivatives, 2018International Journal of Quantum Chemistry;

Kirchhoff index, multiplicative degreeKirchhoff index and spanning trees of the linear crossed hexagonal chains, 2018International Journal of Quantum Chemistry;

