这页说点犹豫模糊集。在“区间值犹豫模糊集”一文说:Krassimir Atanassov1986年提出的直觉模糊集,同时考虑隶属度、非隶属度和犹豫度(我以前在这页第10节也说过这领域)。其后Vicenç Torra2010提出犹豫模糊集 ( Hesitant fuzzy sets)的概念(确实Vicenç Torra在开创性的最先22009年的会议论文以及2010年在IJIS的论文就已明说其和Krassimir Atanassov直觉模糊集有诸多关系)。下面再附几篇这领域最近较受关注的论文:

Vicenç TorraY. NarukawaOn hesitant fuzzy sets and decision2009 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems;(TN在这2009的会议上最先提出这概念,并在提出第5年的2014年美国爱欧纳学院Ronald R. Yager就在他主编的IJIS杂志出这领域的专集)。

Vicenç TorraHesitant fuzzy sets. International Journal of Intelligent Systems.2010,25(6),529-539;(看不到投稿日期是否应比2009年早,如此才只说Torra一人。当然,也有人只以正式出版或接受时为准)

徐泽水,夏梅梅,Distance and similarity measures for hesitant fuzzy sets. Information Sciences, 2011, 181(11): 2128-2138

夏梅梅,徐泽水,Hesitant fuzzy information aggregation in decision making. International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, 2011, 52(3): 395-407

朱斌,徐泽水,夏梅梅,Hesitant fuzzy geometric Bonferroni means. Information Sciences, 2012, 205(1): 72-85.

陈娜徐泽水,夏梅梅,Correlation coefficients of hesitant fuzzy sets and their applications to clustering analysis. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2013, 37(4): 2197-2211.

廖虎昌,徐泽水,Xiao-Jun Zeng, Distance and similarity measures for hesitant fuzzy linguistic term sets and their application in multi-criteria decision making, Information Sciences, 2014, vol. 271, pp. 125-142

Rosa Ma Rodríguez, Luis MartínezVicenç Torra,徐泽水,Francisco HerreraHesitant Fuzzy Sets: State of the Art and Future DirectionsInternational Journal of Intelligent Systems, 2014, 29(6): 495-524

伊朗学者Bahram FarhadiniaInformation measures for hesitant fuzzy sets and interval-valued hesitant fuzzy setsInformation SciencesVolume 240, 10 August 2013, Pages 129-144;他是我国《智能技术学报》编委-Bahram Farhadinia

Bahram Farhadinia Hesitant fuzzy set lexicographical ordering and its application to multi-attribute decision making. Inform. Sci.327 (2016), 233--245.

Bahram FarhadiniaMultiple criteria decision-making methods with completely unknown weights in hesitant fuzzy linguistic term settingKnowledge-Based Systems Volume 93, 1 February 2016, Pages 135-144

R.M. Rodríguez, B. Bedregal, H. Bustince, Y.C. Dong, B. Farhadinia, C. Kahraman, L. Martínez, V. Torra, Y. Xu, Z.S. Xu, F. Herrera. A position and perspective analysis of hesitant fuzzy sets on information fusion in decision making: Towards high quality progress. Information Fusion, 2016, 29: 89-97